How Much Did Clay Shaw's Attorneys Know About HIs CIA Connections?
In my biography of Shaw, Man of a Million Fragments: The True Story of Clay Shaw, I discuss this issue in some detail, but without ever finding the complete answer(s). Irvin Dymond's paralegal received a call from a mysterious caller in September 1967, shortly before Shaw's trial was initially supposed to begin (it was subsequently delay until January 1969). The caller indicated that he and Shaw had been recruited to work for the CIA in 1948-49. It was all rather vague and mysterious, including the name of the CIA person by whom they were contacted (a Mr. Bertram, interestingly enough, given that the name Clay Bertrand had been in the news for over six months). I know that William McFadden Duffy, the publicity man with International House, is also mentioned in a 1954 CIA document as being a contact in the same mention with Shaw, but I don't know if Shaw or Duffy knew that the other man was a contact.
Anyone have any thoughts on this, other than speculation?
At June 18, 2023 at 9:13 PM ,
Anonymous said...
I wonder if there could be a connection between the Marymor Cravens p.4 and the Craven mentioned in the Warren Report. This involves a theatre group that came to the Texas State Fair to assist Jack Ruby in his “How Hollywood Makes Movies” booth about a month before the assassination. This is a strange story. This is where Ruby met Curtis LaVerne Crafard who would be with him the until the Saturday after the assassination when Vrafard would flee Dallas.
At June 18, 2023 at 9:21 PM ,
Anonymous said...
The reference to How Hollywood Makes Movies and Craven is from an FBI Report and is Commission Exhibit 2347 and 2348. It gives his wife’s name Rita and his address in Los Angeles.
At January 29, 2024 at 7:26 AM ,
Don Carpenter said...
No, I don't the Cravens was the same person mentioned in the Warren Report.
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