Clay Shaw Biography
This announces the status of my upcoming biography of Clay Shaw. It is progressing well, and is now in the initial editing stages, with some research still to be done.
Labels: announcements, clay_shaw
Clay Shaw/Man of a Million Fragments: The True Story of Clay Shaw/Dueling Voices/I Lost It at the Beginning/101 Reasons Not To Murder The Entire Saudi Royal Family/He Knew Where He Was Going (?)
Labels: announcements, clay_shaw
At April 7, 2011 at 2:42 PM ,
Judyth Vary Baker said...
J. Monroe Sullivan. Witnessed mysterious behavior on the part of Clay Shaw. William Turner writes:
"I spoke with J. Monroe Sullivan, director of the San Francisco World Trade Center, which in 1963 was the only sister organization to the New Orleans Trade Mart. Sullivan recalled that some three weeks before the assassination, Clay Shaw, whom he had never met, phoned to ask him to put on a luncheon for that date because he had a program to obtain tenants for the International House in New Orleans, an affiliate of the Trade Mart. Shaw would send out the invitations and pay for everything. According to Sullivan, Shaw arrived at the San Francisco World Trade Center around mid-morning on November 22. As they were conversing, there was a bulletin that Kennedy had been shot in Dallas. Sullivan was stunned, but Shaw exhibited no reaction. A few minutes later, when the news arrived that the president was dead, Sullivan asked Shaw if he wanted to continue wtih the luncheon. He did. Sullivan called for a moment of silence, then introduced Shaw, who made his pitch for the International House. Sullivan was struck by Shaw's seeming indifference to the president's death." [Turner, William. Rearview Mirror (Granite Bay, California: Penmarin Books, 2001) p. 178-179]
Suppose you have this very common quote. Hope you have read Me & Lee and Dr. Mary'sMonkey.JVB (have much more)..of course, don'tmiss the Tmes-Picayune article for March 23, 1962 where CS is released from Int House after 1.5 yrs as acting Direc or--article not mentioning his previous stints there...
At April 7, 2011 at 3:11 PM ,
Don Carpenter said...
From everything I have seen, Mario Bermudez solicited the invitation for Shaw, and Sullivan then contacted Shaw to invite him. The documentation on it is very specific. As for Sullivan's recollection of Shaw's reaction to the assassination, the New York Times carried an article about that a day or so after Shaw's arrest. The Mart did not pay for the event; the San Francisco World Trade Center paid for it, along with Shaw's travel expenses (the portion related to traveling to San Francisco). There actually were a number of institutions in various cities duplicating to some degree, but also cooperating, with the Mart in New Orleans.
At February 13, 2012 at 7:06 PM ,
gary said...
I look forward to reading your biography of Clay Shaw. Check out my blog, I've been ignoring it lately, but I posted on some related stuff, including some documents on Banister and Milteer.
At December 16, 2021 at 12:58 PM ,
Тиски станочные said...
Thanks for sharing the article.
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